Over deze opleiding
Target group: This part of the course is designed for workers who are involved with (clinical) use of X-ray equipment. Make sure you sign in for the Introduction as well.
At this moment the classical meeting, where participants performed measurements using an X-ray machine is substituted by an online course based on self-study with information, videos of the practical and a work sheet. The information and tasks are discussed in an online meeting using Zoom.
- Half value layer
- Transmission
- Scattering
- Inverse square law
- Parameters: kV, mAs, field size
In preparation for the meeting, self-study is expected.
You will receive more information about the study activities after registration.
Duration of the meeting: 2 hours
More information: Please contact us to
make an appointment for this component of the course: cursusstralingshygiene@erasmusmc.nl