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Practical radiation protection course – Sealed sources (online)

Onderwijsaanbieder: Erasmus MC Academie
Onderwijsvorm: Klassikaal
Categorieën : Vakinhoudelijk handelen

Over deze opleiding


Target group: This part of the course is designed for workers who are involved with (clinical) use of sealed radioactive sources or open (dispersible) radioactive sources. Make sure you sign in for the Introduction as well. If applicable please also register for the component Open sources

At this moment the classical meeting, where participants performed measurements using radioactive sources is substituted by an online course based on self-study with information, videos of the practical and a work sheet. The information and tasks are discussed in an online meeting using Zoom.


  • Range
  • Dose
  • Background radiation
  • Monitoring
  • Identifying sources using different shielding materials
  • Multi-channel analyzer

In preparation for the meeting, self-study is expected.

You will receive more information about the study activities after registration.

Duration of the meeting: 1,5 hours

Before signing up please contact

Praktische informatie


vrijdag 13 juni 2025 09:00:00 - vrijdag 13 juni 2025 12:00:00
Beschikbare plaats(en): 9


De kosten bedragen € 250,00
