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Microsurgery 2-days course (SkillsLab)

Duur: 25 uur
Onderwijsaanbieder: SkillsLab & SimulationCenter
Onderwijsvorm: Klassikaal
Categorieën : Vakinhoudelijk handelen

Over deze opleiding


Learning objectives
This is an intensive practical course to learn the key skills of microvascular surgery. The course is aimed at Surgical Specialists or Specialists in training, with or without previous microsurgical experience. Each course day will consist of a lecture given by experienced clinical microsurgeons where they discuss the possibilities of microsurgery in practice. The second part of the morning and the afternoon will be focused on practical training in the in-vivo model. Multiple coaches are present to continuous monitoring the progress of each participant. The techniques offered during this 3day course are the basic end-to-end anastomosis and end-to-side anastomosis. Important issues as gentle tissue handling are an integral part of the course.

It is possible, within the legal constraints of the model, to provide techniques on a personal requirement.

The course will be held in English if requested by the participant. If the dates of the courses don’t fit your schedule, personal training days are possible.

Target group: Surgical Specialists or Specialists in training,
Course fee: 
More information: 

Pay attention!
If you close the payment screen too early and do not return to the close button, the registration will not be completed properly. Only when you’re back in the learning environment the registration will be processed correctly. You must receive a payment receipt and registration confirmation in your mailbox. Otherwise contact our office.

Praktische informatie


Er zijn op dit moment geen inschrijfdata bekend.
Voor meer informatie stuur een mail naar Skillslab


De kosten bedragen € 1.250,00
