About our research group/lab
About our research group
Why was our group formed?
We jointly work on connective tissue repair, in particular cartilage and bone regeneration.
Our aim.
We aim to understand what limits connective tissue repair and search for methods to improve it. The ultimate goal is to stimulate the body's intrinsic repair capacity or to tissue engineer cartilage or bone outside the body, that can be used for transplantation We investigate how to control the formation of good quality cartilage and bone (which cells, which stimuli, which biomaterials) and the role of the immune system on tissue repair.
Our focus.
We focus on cellular processes in cell differentiation (in particular stem cells) and inflammation. Our translational research is performed from a cell biological view point using principles of developmental biology, pathophysiology and tissue engineering.
We use several cell- and tissue culture models, animal and clinical samples to study disease mechanisms as well as to develop and test new treatment approaches. We focus in particular on culture models that mimic the situation as good as possible by combining tissues.
Our funds and grants
- Horizon2020
- NWO-Applied Sciences
- ReumaNederland
- AO Foundation
Our team

Sandra van den Bosch, secretary
Wendy Koevoet, technician
Nicole Kops, technician
Janneke Witte-Bouma, technician
Our e-mail address:
Principal Investigators
Prof. dr. G.J.V.M (Gerjo) van Osch
A. (Andrea) Lolli, PhD
Assistant professor
R. (Roberto) Narcisi, PhD
Associate professor
E. (Eric) Farrell