If any of our patients contract a childhood disease or another illness, this may have extremely serious implications. That’s why you should contact us immediately if:
- a member of your family has a childhood disease, such as chickenpox, measles, scarlet fever or mumps;
- your child was admitted to a hospital abroad or attended a clinic abroad at any time during the two months before the date of your appointment at our outpatient clinic;
- either you or your child have been in direct contact with calves, pigs or poultry;
- this is your child’s first visit to a hospital after his or her adoption;
- your child is running a fever or has measles, chickenpox, mumps, scarlet fever or some other form of red spots.
Click here for the contact details for your outpatient clinicere. If your appointment needs to be cancelled, you can make a new appointment immediately.

If your child needs to be admitted to hospital and you believe that he or she may have contracted an infectious disease, we will examine him or her in a separate room. When you arrive at the hospital, please take the quickest route to the outpatient clinic where your child has an appointment. Report immediately to the assistant, so that we can do all that is necessary to take good care of your child.