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News, stories and events (194)

More efficient and effective healthcare for women could save billions

More efficient and effective healthcare for women could save billions

According to the latest report of the World Economic Forum, at least €7.6 billion in healthcare costs could be saved in the Netherlands if women receive the effective care they need. However, this requires investment in the diagnosis and treatment of women. The newly established Netherlands Women’s Health Research & Innovation Center at Erasmus MC […]

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For mice, two eyes are better than one

For mice, two eyes are better than one

Perhaps not surprisingly, two eyes are better than one when mice face acute danger. New research conducted by an international team of scientists from the Netherlands and Australia shows how visual information from both eyes converges in the mouse brain and how this contributes to survival behavior.

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I-Wall brings congenital abnormalities in the unborn child vividly to life for parents

I-Wall brings congenital abnormalities in the unborn child vividly to life for parents

With the new virtual reality screen at the Obstetrics and Gynecology outpatient clinic at Erasmus MC, it’s as if parents step into the womb. The I-Wall magnifies the secrets of the unborn fetus as a hologram. It is the centerpiece of the world’s first outpatient center for innovative prenatal imaging.

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Wanted: test for reliable and rapid diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia

Wanted: test for reliable and rapid diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia

A reliable test that can quickly diagnose frontotemporal dementia. That is the goal of a new project that Erasmus MC neurologist Harro Seelaar and researcher Esther Bron are starting with 15 partners from 9 European countries. The consortium will receive a grant of almost €8 million from the Horizon Europe programme.

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Changed parking fees visitors Erasmus MC

The municipality of Rotterdam will increase parking fees in all car parks (including the Museumpark garage) as of 1 January 2025. To prevent visitors of surrounding facilities from using the parking garages on Wytemaweg and Westzeedijk, Erasmus MC will also raise rates as of 1 January.

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European grants for research into stomach cancer and motor control

European grants for research into stomach cancer and motor control

Neuroscientist Zhenyu Gao and molecular geneticist Miao-Ping Chien from Erasmus MC have been awarded Consolidator Grants from the European Research Council. They will use this 2 million euro grant for research into difficult-to-treat stomach cancer and the brain’s control of movement.

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Encephalitis: longer chance of recovery than thought

Encephalitis: longer chance of recovery than thought

Recovery from a rare anti-NMDAR encephalitis is possible for longer than previously thought. In the first six months, epileptic seizures dissolve and deficits improve the fastest, but improvement is possible up to three years after diagnosis. This is evident from research by Erasmus MC. ‘I believe in growth.’

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Newly discovered protein holds DNA repair complex together

Newly discovered protein holds DNA repair complex together

Scientists have discovered a protein that plays an important role in the repair of DNA damage. Acting like molecular glue, it holds together the crucial parts of the DNA repair complex, ensuring its correct functioning. This is important, as correct DNA repair is crucial to protects cells against aging.

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Paul Boomkamp reappointed as director and CFO Erasmus MC

The Supervisory Board has reappointed Dr Paul Boomkamp as member and CFO of the Erasmus MC Executive Board. The reappointment takes effect from 1 November 2024 and is for a period of five years.

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Team seeks solution for ‘fighting the ventilator’

Team seeks solution for ‘fighting the ventilator’

It’s a common situation in intensive care: patients who are “fighting the ventilator”. A team from Erasmus MC and the startup Deep Breath is working with AI-driven software to find a solution for this harmful phenomenon.

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‘If I wake up and say ‘Ajax,’ the surgery has failed’

‘If I wake up and say ‘Ajax,’ the surgery has failed’

Epileptic seizures and a brain hemorrhage caused Tom van Vliet to lose trust in his own body. But after a complex, tense, and successful surgery, he now dares to make plans for his retirement. A procedure he would recommend to anyone. ‘Otherwise, we would still be living in uncertainty.’

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ERC Starting Grant for research on organ trafficking and healthy generations

ERC Starting Grant for research on organ trafficking and healthy generations

Criminologist Frederike Ambagtsheer and pediatrician Romy Gaillard from Erasmus MC have both been awarded a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). They will use the €1.5 million grant for research into organ trafficking and the embryonic origins of cardiovascular diseases.

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