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profile picture Jeroen van Rooij

J.G.J. (Jeroen) van Rooij PhD


  • Department
  • Internal Medicine / Neurology

About J.G.J. (Jeroen) van Rooij PhD


My name is Jeroen, I'm a bioinformatician by background and started working at Erasmus MC in 2011. My background is in analyzing and interpreting large genetic and genomic datasets. For the Department of Internal Medicine I work on the prediction of diseases using genetic information, and how this could be used to prevent disease in our hospital, or identify people at earlier stages of the disease so it can be managed better.

For the Department of Neurology I analyze genetic and genomic datasets derived from patient with various forms of dementia. Here we hope to understand how these diseases start and progress, and where we might be able to influence this process.

Field(s) of expertise

Bioinformatics, genetics, big data analyses, transcriptomic, methylomic and proteomic data analyses, visualization and interpretation.

Education and career

  • Bachelor's degree in Biomedical research (minor bioinformatics)
  • Master's degree in Genetic Epidemiology
  • PhD degree on "Sequencing, from blood to brain" obtained in 2020


Publications at pubmed

Link naar Researchgate


Teaching activities

Recurrent teacher in the molmed and nihes graduate schools programs (introduction to bioinformatics, genetics, genetic and genomic data analyses, use of genetics in clinic). Supervised 20 Bachelor and Master students from a range of specialties (bioinformatics, biomedical, medical, IT, ethics, nanobiology, neurobiology). Supervising three PhD students as co-promotor.

Scholarships, grants, and awards

CHARGE Early Career Achievement 2020.

My Groups