About S.H. (Stef) Luijmes
I am working as a PhD-student in the Laboratory of Experimental Transplantation and Intestinal Surgery (LETIS), department of Surgery, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam.My research focuses on the basic mechanisms of hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury and the potential to mitigate this type of injury by the application of stem cell-based therapies
Field(s) of expertise
Ischemia-reperfusion injury, machine perfusion, regenerative medicine
Education and career
Following my bachelor's degree in Medicine (Erasmus University, Rotterdam), I started with the research master Clinical Research (Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences, NIHES, Rotterdam). As part of the master's programme, I conducted a research project within group van der Laan (LETIS), which ultimately leaded to a PhD trajectory. Besides my work within the laboratory, I work as an organ perfusionist and transplant coordinator (OP/TC) within the transplant clinic.
The current status of stem cell-based therapies during ex vivo graft perfusion: An integrated review of four organs. Am J Transplant. 2022 Dec;22(12):2723-39.