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A.H.M. van der Helm - van Mil, MD PhD

Principal investigator

  • Department
  • Rheumatology

About A.H.M. van der Helm - van Mil, MD PhD


Annette van der Helm-van Mil obtained her medical degree in 1998 (cum laude), was ratified as internist in 2005 and as rheumatologist in 2006 and obtained her Ph.D. degree in 2006 (cum laude).
She was head of the outpatient clinic from 2007 till 2016. Since 2015 she is appointed as professor at the departments of rheumatology in the Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden and in the Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Her research is aimed at understanding the processes underlying disease progression in the earliest phases of rheumatoid arthritis and predicting the disease course of patients presenting with arthralgia and early arthritis.
She has authored >270 articles and has received several grants and prizes, among which a ‘Klinisch fellow’ and Vidi grant from NWO, grants from the Dutch Arthritis Foundation and an ERC Starting Grant.
Her research into the earliest phases of rheumatoid arthritis in the medical delta region of the Netherlands has been recognized by the Dutch Arthritis Society as a Research Center of Excellence.

Field(s) of expertise

Rheumatoid Arthritis