About F.J. (Fenna) van der Heijden, MD
I am a clinician, organ perfusionist and PhD candidate. My research is about normothermic regional perfusion before liver transplant. After my PhD I want to work as a surgical resident.
Field(s) of expertise
My PhD is partly clinical: I work as a organ perfusionist and collect material during this procedure.
The laboratory work is mostly performed by myself at the LETIS and sometimes in an external lab.Education and career
I studied medicine at the Rijksuniversity Groningen. The internships of my 5th year I performed in Curacao, Dutch Antilles. The last year of my study I performed research and my last rotation both at the Erasmus MC on the liver transplant department.
Teaching activities
- Bachelor thesis supervision
- Congress organization
- Teaching minors
Other positions
Dutch transplant society Young Professionals