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Picture of Pim French

Dr. P.J. (Pim) French

Associate professor

  • Department
  • Neurology
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About Dr. P.J. (Pim) French


Approximately 200.000 people worldwide are diagnosed with primary brain cancer each year and gliomas are the most common malignant subtype of primary brain tumor. Despite advances in neurosurgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy the prognosis for most glioma patients remains poor. Our lab focuses on the identification of clinically relevant molecular subgroups in which the aim is to identify patients that benefit most from treatment. On a more basic science level, our lab focusses on the identification and analysis of genes involved in glioma initiation and/or progression. This line of research helps understand the biology of the tumor and ultimately may help identify new treatment options. Our lab uses state of the art high-throughput (genomic and functional) approaches.

Education and career

Professional experience

Post-doc at the National Institute for Medical Research, London, UK
Subject: Molecular mechanisms underlying late phase LTP
Supervisor: Tim Bliss


Post-doc at the dept of Neuroscience, Erasmus MC.
Subject: Molecular mechanisms underlying long-term changes in synaptic
Head of department: Chris de Zeeuw


Associate professor, dept of Neurology, Erasmus MC.

  • Translational research on gliomas
  • Identification of causal genetic changes in gliomas

Head of department: Peter Sillevis Smitt



1. Gao Y, Weenink B, van den Bent MJ, Erdem-Eraslan L, Kros JM, Sillevis Smitt P, Hoang-Xuan K, Brandes AA, Vos M, Dhermain F, Enting R, Ryan GF, Chinot O, Ben Hassel M, van Linde ME, Mason WP, Gijtenbeek JMM, Balana C, von Deimling A, Gorlia T, Stupp R, Hegi ME, Baumert BG, French PJ. Expression-based intrinsic glioma subtypes are prognostic in low-grade gliomas of the EORTC22033-26033 clinical trial Eur J Cancer. 2018 May;94:168-178

2. Erdem-Eraslan L, van den Bent MJ, Hoogstrate Y, Naz-Khan H, Stubbs A, van der Spek P, Böttcher R, Gao Y, de Wit M, Taal W, Oosterkamp HM, Walenkamp A, Beerepoot LV, Hanse MCJ, Buter J, Honkoop AH, van der Holt B, Vernhout RM, Sillevis Smitt PAE, Kros JM, French PJ. Identification of patients with recurrent glioblastoma who may benefit from combined bevacizumab and CCNU therapy, a report from the BELOB trial. Cancer Res (2016) 76(3):525-34

3. MJ van den Bent, Y Gao, M Kerkhof, JM Kros, T Gorlia, K van Zwieten, J Prince, S van Duinen, PA Sillevis Smitt, M Taphoorn, PJ French. Changes in the EGFR amplification and EGFRvIII expression between paired primary and recurrent glioblastomas. Neuro-Oncology,17(7):935-41 

4. Erdem-Eraslan L, Gravendeel LA, de Rooi J, Eilers PHC, Idbaih A, Spliet WGM, den Dunnen WFA, Teepen JL, Wesseling P, Sillevis Smitt PAE, Kros JM, Gorlia T, van den Bent MJ, French PJ. Intrinsic Molecular Subtypes of Glioma Are Prognostic and Predict Benefit From Adjuvant Procarbazine, Lomustine, and Vincristine Chemotherapy in Combination With Other Prognostic Factors in Anaplastic Oligodendroglial Brain Tumors: A Report From EORTC Study 26951. J. Clin Oncol, (2013) 31:328-36 [IF 2011: 18.4]

5. Pansuriya TC, van Eijk R, de Adamo P, van Ruler M, Kuijjer M, Oosting J, Cleton-Jansen A, van Oosterwijk JG, Verbeke S, Meijer D, van Wezel T, Nord KH, Sangiorgi L, Toker B, Liegl-Atzwanger B, San-Julian M, Sciot R, Limaye N, Kindblom L, Daugaard S, Godfraind C, Boon, LM, Vikkula M, Kurek KC, Szuhai K, French PJ, Bovée JVGM. Somatic mosaic IDH1 or IDH2mutations are associated with enchondroma and spindle cell hemangioma in Ollier disease and Maffucci syndrome. Nature genetics (2011) 43:1256-61 

research groups

Particpation in research groups:

  • EORTC (European Organisation for Reseach and Treatment of Cancer)
  • LWNO (landelijke werkgroep neuro-oncologie)
  • GLASS-NL (VuMC, UMCU, Erasmus MC
  • GSAM (UMCU, Univ. Liege, Erasmus MC)
  • CTSF (Cancer treatment screening facility)

Currently involved in research groups:

  • GLASS-NL: Examining the evolution of IDH mutant astrocytomas
  • GSAM: The molecular evolution of uniformly treated gliobastomas
  • EGFR: Examining whether EGFR is a treatment target in glioblastomas
  • IDH: Finding ways to target IDH mutant gliomas
  • De genetische verandering van recidive glioblastomen