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F.R. (Frank) Datema, PhD


  • Department
  • ENT
  • Focus area
  • Value based healthcare, facial plastic surgery, outcome quantification, rhinoplasty, cleft lip rhinoplasty, auricular skin disorders
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Since 2014 our rhinoplasty focus group is dedicated to the functional and aesthetic restauration of the nose of patients with a congenital disorder (e.g. cleft lip) or patients who had unsuccesfull surgery elsewhere. Every referred patient is included in a prospective outcome monitor and allows us to be fully transparent on results, which helps during patient counceling, patient selection and a critical self evaluation. This ongoing research has resulted in multiple publication and interest from other pioneers in the field of value based health care.

Field(s) of expertise

  • Value based healthcare
  • Facial plastic surgery
  • outcome quantification
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Cleft lip rhinoplasty
  • Auricular skin disorders

Education and career

  • 1998 - 2005 General Medicin (Leiden University)
  • 2008 - 2013 ENT-surgery (Erasmus Medical Center)
  • 2012 PhD (Erasmus University)
  • Facial plastic Surgery (European Academy of 2013-2014 Facial Plastic Surgery fellowship
  • 2016 Board certification in facial plastic surgery (EBCFPRS/IBCFPRS)


Publications on Rhinoplasty.care.

Teaching activities

Invited speaker on national and international congresses about rhinoplasty and general facial plastic surgery.

Other positions

  • Medical coordinator ENT outpatient clinic
  • Board member EBCFPRS
  • Director of education EAFPS
  • Direcror of Meneverdi BV - aesthetic rhinoplasty

Scholarships, grants, and awards

Prof. Burgerfondsprijs 2016 and 2018 (best scientifical paper in Dutch ENT magazine).