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Profile picture of Nick van de Berg

N.J. (Nick) van de Berg, PhD


  • Department
  • Gynaecological Oncology
  • Focus area
  • Gynaecological Oncology

About N.J. (Nick) van de Berg, PhD

As a biomechanical engineer, I develop personalized care solutions for the field of oncology. This includes R&D of medical devices (hardware) and image-guidance methods (software). My focus is on the research stages of early development and translation to the clinic (bench-to-bedside).

Main research lines include:
- HSI-GO: treatment plan personalization by AI-based recognition of ovarian and vulvar tumours using hyperspectral imaging.
- Fietsproeftuin: Living Lab for patients to find personalized solutions for bicycling re-enablement, aiming to mitigate (cancer-related) perineal pain while cycling.
- Steerable needles: actively adaptable needles for prostate and gynaecological brachytherapy.
- Architect: personalized 3D printed brachytherapy applicators for an optimal dose to the tumour and minimal dose to surrounding healthy tissues.
  • Medical device design.
  • Tissue biomechanics.
  • 3D printing, medical imaging and (optical) sensor data.
- 2024 - present: assistant professor, Erasmus MC, Department of Gynaecological Oncology.
- 2018- 2024: post-doc researcher, Erasmus MC, Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine & Department of Gynaecological Oncology.
- 2017: Visiting Researcher, SINTEF - Department of Medical Technology, Norway.
- 2016 - present: post-doc researcher, Delft University of Technology, Department of Biomechanical Engineering.
- 2015: Visiting Researcher, ACMIT - Austrian Center for Medical Innovation and Technology, Austria.
- 2012 - 2016: PhD candidate, Delft University of Technology, 3mE, Department of Biomechanical Engineering.
- 2004 - 2011: B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering & M.Sc. Biomedical Engineering, Delft University of Technology.

A complete overview of publications can be found here: