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Profielfoto van Philomine van Pelt

P.A. (Philomine) van Pelt, MD PhD

  • Department
  • Rheumatology

About P.A. (Philomine) van Pelt, MD PhD


Currently I am involved in studies in Juvenile Arthritis patients focused on: Treament strategies, (Long) term outcome and Value based health care

Field(s) of expertise

Outcome, Quality of Life studies and Adolescent Medicine

Education and career

I started my education at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. I followed my training as a Rheumatologist at the  Amsterdam Medical Centre (VUMC, Reade and Slotervaart Hospital) under supervision of Prof. B.A.C. Dijkmans.  I received my education as a Pediatric Rheumatologist at the Wilhemina Childrens Hospital, Utrecht Medical Centre under supervision of Prof. W. Kuis en Prof N.M. Wulffraat. I obtained my PhD degree on the thesis: Developmental aspects and transition of care in adolescents and young adults with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. Currently, I am working as a pediatric rheumatologist and rheumatologist at the adolescent clinic of the ErasmusMC.


Walter M, Kamphuis S, van Pelt P, de Vroed A, Hazes JMW. Successful implementation of a clinical transition pathway for adolescents with juvenile-onset rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases.

Teaching activities

Teaching medical specialists and trainees, general practioners, nurses and medical students