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Research group/lab

Perioperative care

Perioperative cardiovascular care focus on the identification and modification of possible risk factors related to myocardial injury and infarction.

About our research group/lab

Perioperative cardiovascular care focus on the identification and modification of possible risk factors (e.g. perioperative hypotension, tachycardia, vasoactive drugs) related to myocardial injury and infarction.

We closely collaborate within the Erasmus MC with the departments of Cardiology, Vascular Surgery, Biostatistics, Intensive Care.

Topconsortium voor kennis en innovatie, Holland Health 875.000

Lijf en Leven 150.000

We offer various database and hands-on research bachelor and master projects clinical for local, national and international students.

Contact our PI’s for possible opportunities. Several successful projects were completed of which a considerable resulted in a publication and/or a PhD program.

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