About J.J. (Joan) Penninkhof, PhD
Joan Penninkhof works as a licensed medical physicist at the Radiotherapy department of Erasmus MC.
Her main research drive is safe implementation of research developments in clinical practice. By personalizing cancer treatment and innovation in radiation techniques, side effects can be reduced, resulting in enhanced quality of life.
Field(s) of expertise
- Radiation therapy treatment,
- Treatment plan optimization,
- Adaptive radiotherapy,
- Automation, proton therapy,
- Photon therapy,
- Breast cancer,
- Lymphoma,
- Personalized treatment.
Education and career
Joan Penninkhof studied experimental physics at Utrecht University, Utrecht.
She continued her education as Ph.D. student at the Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (Amolf) of the Dutch Organisation for Fundamental Research (FOM) studying optical effects in anisotropic metallo-dielectric materials.
She obtained her Ph.D. in 2006 at Utrecht University. She then switched to the field of medical physics.
After having completed the medical physics training program at Erasmus MC, LUMC and Haaglanden Medical Centre in 2010, she was appointed as permanent staff member at the Medical Physics sector of the department of Radiation Oncology of the Erasmus MC Cancer Institute.
Teaching activities
Other positions
- Member of Supervisory Board of the Stichting OKF
Member of the Medical Ethics Review Committee of Erasmus MC